
You can call me Kat (unique name, I know), and this is my personal website, which I can use as a creative outlet to showcase stuffs and have a presence on the internet!

This site is currently a work in progress and will probably continue to do so for years to come, so it will be basic, barebone, and even broken (especially on smaller screens) at first, but hopefully the site will be optimized and more contents will be added in the future!

Quick facts about me:

  • • My pronouns are she/they.
  • • Software development is my main profession (Mainly React developer, but I also work with Python, C#, and maybe thinking to learn Rust).
  • • Favorite hobbies include playing video games (especially rhythm games), creating mods, watching anime, and partaking in various creative activities such as music, drawing, writing, coding, and DJing!
  • • Aviation is a huge passion of mine and I am working on becoming an air traffic controller.

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